VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 1 ( January-March, 2017 ) > List of Articles
Divyasree Doopadapalli, CS Beeresh, KR Vimala, Krishna lingegowda
Citation Information : Doopadapalli D, Beeresh C, Vimala K, lingegowda K. Laparoscopic Management of Large Ovarian Cysts. Int J Gynecol Endsc 2017; 1 (1):18-21.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10058-0004
License: CC BY 3.0
Published Online: 01-08-2013
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2017; The Author(s).
Large ovarian cysts are conventionally managed by laparotomy. This study was undertaken to assess the feasibility and outcome of laparoscopic surgery for the management of large ovarian cysts. Rural teaching hospital – prospective study. Thirty-eight patients from January 2014 to December 2016 presumed to be with large ovarian cyst were managed laparoscopically. Preliminary evaluation suggestive to be of benign ovarian cyst by history, clinical examination, sonographic imaging, and basic serum marker were only included in this study. The cysts were aspirated initially, followed by cystectomy, oophorectomy, or total hysterectomy depending on age, parity, coexisting pathology, and desire for future fertility. Out of 38 cases, 6 were nonovarian adnexal masses. Eight of the 32 cases who presented with pain due to torsion were managed on emergency basis; rest of the cases were operated electively. Mean operating time was 90 minutes. Mean size of the cyst was 16 cm. One case of borderline malignancy was detected and the rest showed benign pathology. Six of the cases required minilaparotomy for specimen removal. Most women were successfully treated laparoscopically without any complications, and conversion to laparotomy was required in three cases. With proper patient selection and exclusion of malignancy, laparoscopic management of large ovarian cyst by gynecologist is feasible. Beeresh CS, Doopadapalli D, Vimala KR, Lingegowda K. Laparoscopic Management of Large Ovarian Cysts. Int J Gynecol Endsc 2017;1(1):18-21.